Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Download CTET Question Papers

Download CTET previous year papers in PDF format with answer keys. All CTET question papers from June 2011 to February 2016 for CTET Paper-1 (Primary) and CTET Paper-2 (Elementary) are now available free to download. CTET is conducted by CBSE twice every year. Usually the exam is conducted in February and September every year.

Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Start a Desktop Publishing or Graphic Design Business

While some sources might have you believe that all it takes to start a desktop publishing business is to have some software, a color printer, and some fancy paper, the truth is that a desktop publishing or graphic design business requires the same attention to detail of any small business venture.
A freelance design business can take many forms. You can start small and build up but the basics are the same.
Difficulty: Average
Time Required: A week, a month, a year... as long as it takes to be ready to start your business

How Do I Start my Own Graphic Design Company?

Small businesses fuel the economy, and starting a graphic design company is one way to own one’s own business while also using artistic and computer skills to earn money. Like any business venture, starting a business as a graphic designer is an activity that requires knowledge of the industry, as well as how to start and maintain a business. For hardworking individuals, a graphic design business could represent independence and autonomy from a standard office job.

Identifying Business Intent and Purpose

How to start your own business as a graphic designer !

Maybe you’re still only dreaming about starting your own design business.
Or perhaps you’re doing a few side-jobs in your free time hoping to start a design business full-time.
Maybe you’ve just started your design business but need a bit of a boost to take it to the next level.
Wherever you are in the process of starting your own design business, this post is for you.
(And if you want more than just these 10 tips, check out our favorite and most helpful articles on starting and running your own business. You should also subscribe to our newsletter and we’ll send you tons of stuff to help you build a design business.)

1) Understand your situation

No one is ever 100% ready to start their own design business with absolutely no risk, all reward.
Business just isn’t like that.
(After all, I started my design business almost by accident when I got laid off and had to start hunting for work.)
Some life situations, however, reduce the risk. For example, it’s less risky to start your own business if:
  • Your household or family isn’t completely dependent on your current income for stability.
  • You’ve got savings or other income you can use while building your client base.
  • You’re already working a full- or part-time job and can continue to do so until you don’t have time for it.
  • You’ve already got clients you’re working for in your free time–and even better if they’d like you to take on more projects.
More on freelancing part-time: Don’t hate freelancers with full-time jobs
To find more long-term clients, read: 3 Easy ways to turn one-off projects into long-term clients
How risky is your situation?
Remember: many businesses don’t really get rolling until years 2 to 3, so be prepared to need another source of money in the early days of starting your design business to ensure you can pay your bills.

2) Identify your motivation for starting a design business

Are you starting your own design business for the right reasons?
  • Why are you interested in starting your own design business?
  • What’s motivating you to strike out on your own?
  • Are you passionate about your design business idea?
By understanding what you want to get out of starting your business (i.e. more time with your family or the ability to simultaneously work and travel around the world), you can determine what type of design business is right for you and take steps to ensure you start a design business you love.
Read more on loving your business and staying motivated:
Most entrepreneurs will tell you:
Starting and operating any business (successful or otherwise) is stressful, time-consuming, and a lot of hard work. A lot of hard work…and persistence, and dedication, and long days and nights, and weighty decisions you can’t pass off to anyone else.
But it also means a flexible schedule, a measure of control over your own financial security, additional vacation time, no commute, limitless growth possibilities, the ability to say no to a client or project, and a thousand other wonderful freedoms.
(While I get to take far more vacation days than I ever used to at my 9-5, I also put in my fair share of 50+ hour work weeks in order to keep my clients happy and afford the extra time off.)
Simply put: work hard…play hard.
And if you don’t have the discipline to apply yourself to your work when the comforts of home beg you to procrastinate each day, being an entrepreneur may not be for you.
More on working from home:

3) Inventory your skill set

This is one of the toughest questions to answer honestly, and it’s one many successful veteran creative entrepreneurs still evaluate themselves with:
“Do I have the skills to compete with other professionals in my industry?”
If you’re unsure, check out Dribbble, Behance, Etsy, SmugMug, or wherever professionals in your industry post or sell portfolio pieces. How do your best pieces stack up?
If you’ve still got improving to do (and really, who among us doesn’t?), don’t fret.
Both Ferrari and Kia are profitable car companies, and while your current skill set may only allow you to charge Ford prices or retain Mercedes-level clients, you can always take classes, study tutorials, and hone your skills to move up to that next level.
Pro tip! Ask three trusted sources to give your their honest opinions on industry professionals’ work versus yours.
More on finding the right skills to build your design business:

4) Define your design business

What does your business specialize in? Who are your dream clients and projects? What aura does your business project? (PS: Here’s how to dominate any niche or industry.)
I think most of us initially secretly responded with, “I just need clients who want to pay me to do stuff. The details really don’t matter.”
At the outset, any job is exciting and any client is a chance to prove to yourself and your doubting Thomas that you ARE good enough to be a professional designer.
(And that’s okay. Food isn’t free.)
Soon enough, though, you’re going to get tired of working long hours for peanuts, dealing with a demanding client you can’t afford to ditch, and working on projects you really don’t enjoy.
PS–if you have clients you can’t ditch because you need the money, you need to read this: How to handle a tough client you just can’t afford to ditch right now
If you’re not happy as an entrepreneur, your business isn’t going to last very long because it’s not going to feel worth it enough to continue.
So set your design business up for success!
First, select three adjectives (not four or five…three only!) that you want someone to use if asked to describe your business.
  • Are you ultra-modern?
  • Cheerful?
  • Always available?
  • Affordable?
  • Grunge or underground design?
  • Strictly professional?
  • Passionate?
  • Lightning-quick turnaround?
Then define your ideal projects and your ideal clients, and research how and where to find them. (More on that below.)

5) Create a portfolio before starting your design business

In order to get those ideal clients and projects you’ll need to start a successful design business, you need a portfolio of your best work. Remember: quality, not quantity!
However, if you’re just starting out, stellar portfolio pieces can be hard to come by.
This is where you have to get creative:
  • Offer your services to a local non-profit, government, or homeowner’s association
  • Take continuing education classes that promise portfolio pieces
  • Create portfolio pieces based on self-inspired projects (things you’ve always wanted to create)
For more on creating winning digital and physical portfolios, try these:

6) Set your pricing

This is easily one of the most challenging aspects of starting your own design business: determining what you’re going to charge.
And the catch is, it’s never resolved. 10-year veterans still fret over whether or not they’re charging enough, how to charge more, and if they’re selling themselves short.
When you’re just starting out, it’s even more of a mystery, but the basics of pricing are as follows:
  • Determine how much profit you need to survive (personally and professionally)
  • Determine what your knowledge, experience, and quality can command
  • Determine what the market will bear
Bonus: Snag a copy of our ebook, How Much Should I Charge? to help you establish profitable pricing for your business.

7) Find the right clients (and projects)

As I mentioned before, when you’re just starting your design business, sometimes the “right” clients are anyone who’s willing to pay you.
But as time wears on, you get more selective.
You start to recognize which clients you work best with, and which are the headaches whose phone calls you deliberately ignore.
You figure out which projects have the highest profit margin, and which ones you really enjoy working on. If you’re lucky, they’re one and the same, but if not, you might have to get creative on how to pair your favorite projects with your most profitable ones.
So where do you find your favorites?
Well, if you have favorite clients, keep track of how you found them and try to repeat the process. And don’t forget to ask those favorites to refer you to like-minded friends.
You can use our awesome referral-generating email template to bring in all sorts of leads.
Or pre-qualify local clients by getting to know them first before offering your services. Entrepreneur groups, chambers of commerce, and women’s/men’s groups all help you get to know other businesspeople in your area so when they need a designer, they think of you first.
Also, foster relationships with complementary businesses like copywriters, web developers, print shops, marketing specialists, and small business advisers – when their clients need your services, you’ll be on the short list of who to call.
If you struggle with “networking,” you’re not alone. Try one of these posts:
Finally, sign up on freelancing job sites. Sure, there are some businesses looking for the cheapest design possible, but there are others looking for a long-term solution for their occasional design needs. Work one project through a site like 99Designs, Thumbtack, Elance, or oDesk and you just might earn a great client for years.

8) Establish your social media presence

At the very least for B2B businesses like ours, social media helps validate your business. When potential clients Google your business, they want to find something (and you want it to be positive).
Even an occasionally updated Twitter feed, Facebook page, and/or Instagram account shows that:
  • You’re relevant and savvy with today’s technology
  • Your business is established enough for you to have created these accounts
  • You’re actively still in business
With a digital marketing strategy (and maybe a bit of luck), you may even find a social media outlet(s) bringing you business. We happen to know of one small but vital change that will bring in more clients.
And if nothing else, dear Aunt Betsy and that ex-coworker from your first job out of college will see your latest work…and may know a friend of a friend who turns into your next client.
(True stuff: my very first client was a friend of an ex-coworker who needed a go-to designer.)
More on getting your design business set up on social media:

9) Learn the basics of design contract

Before the phone starts ringing and you start negotiating your first projects, create a simple contract. You’ll have plenty of time to add to it as experience identifies what you’re missing, but the basic must-haves are:
  • Contact information for both you and your client
  • Objective/scope of project
  • Investment
  • Payment terms
  • Timeline
  • Deliverables
  • Signatures and dates for both you and your client
You can also read Contracts for Creatives, for tons more information as well as pre-made design contract templates.

10) Get to work!

The last hurdle is what we often call ‘freelancing fear.’ (Here’s what causes it and how to overcome it.)
As crazy as it sounds, once you’ve started your design business, it’s not uncommon to be afraid – or terrified – of those first projects or client calls.
But you’ve got to pick up the phone, and you’ve got to accept those projects despite the butterflies making a jumble of your stomach.
Set yourself up for success like this:
  • Practice, practice, practice. Start a fake phone conversation with your best friend, dog, or just your bedroom mirror. Know how you’ll answer the phone and what you’re going to start with.
  • Keep a cheat sheet of what you’re going to say and questions you need to ask.
  • Remember that as much as you’re auditioning for the role of designer, they’re auditioning for the role of client.
  • Don’t forget to smile when you answer the phone.

Thoughts? Questions?

Have any of these tips been a difference-maker in your business? Do you have questions or need clarifications on any of the above? We’re here to help. Leave a note in the comments with your thoughts!

अंतर्जनपदीय तबादले के लिए आवेदन का आज अंतिम मौका, करीब बीस हजार शिक्षकों ने किया आवेदन, पांच बजे बंद होगी वेबसाइट

इलाहाबाद : बेसिक शिक्षा परिषद के शिक्षकों के पास अंतर जिला तबादला आवेदन करने का मंगलवार को अंतिम मौका है। शाम पांच बजे वेबसाइट बंद होते ही प्रक्रिया का पहला चरण पूरा हो जाएगा। परिषद सचिव ने सभी बेसिक शिक्षा अधिकारियों से जिले में प्राथमिक एवं जूनियर स्कूलों में रिक्त पदों का ब्यौरा मंगलवार शाम तक अनिवार्य रूप से भेजने को कहा है।

सुप्रीम कोर्ट में शिक्षामित्रों के प्रवेश पर रोक, सुनवाई के दिन कोर्ट रूम में भारी भीड़ होने और पीड़ितों के आंसू बहाने पर कोर्ट का कड़ा रुख

सुप्रीम कोर्ट में शिक्षामित्रों के प्रवेश पर रोक, सुनवाई के दिन कोर्ट रूम में भारी भीड़ होने और पीड़ितों के आंसू बहाने पर कोर्ट का कड़ा रुख।

सुप्रीम कोर्ट में शिक्षामित्रों के प्रवेश पर रोक: यदि एक भी शिक्षामित्र कोर्ट में घुसा तो मामले की सुनवाई नहीं

एक सिलेबस, एक एग्जाम के लिए राज्यों के प्रतिनिधि सहमत, HRD मिनिस्ट्री भी गंभीर, एजुकेशन बोर्ड के प्रतिनिधियों की बनी एक कमिटी ने की सिफारिश

 ई दिल्ली: जल्द ही देश के सभी एजुकेशन बोर्ड में एक जैसा सिलेबस और एग्जाम पैटर्न हो सकता है। इसके लिए सभी एजुकेशन बोर्ड के प्रतिनिधियों की बनी एक कमिटी ने अपनी सिफारिश की है जिस पर जल्द ही एचआरडी मिनिस्ट्री दूसरे दौर की मीटिंग बुलाने की तैयारी कर रही है।

अगस्त में सत्र परीक्षा, सितंबर में मिलेंगी बच्चों को किताबें शासन ने किताबों के निःशुल्क वितरण की समय सारिणी जारी की

लखनऊ । परिषदीय विद्यालयों में पढ़ने वाले पौने दो करोड़ बच्चों को बिना पढ़े ही अगस्त में होने वाले यूनिट टेस्ट देने होंगे। ऐसा इसलिए है क्योंकि शासन ने किताबों के वितरण की जो समय सारिणी जारी की है, उसमें पांच अगस्त से लेकर सितंबर तक पूरी किताबें दिए जाने का आदेश है। वहीं कार्यपुस्तिकाओं की आपूर्ति के लिए भी चार अक्टूबर अंतिम तिथि तय की गई है। ऐसे में आठवीं तक के बच्चों का कोर्स कैसे पूरा होगा।

16448 भर्ती में 50 हजार से अधिक आवेदन, उम्मीदों को धता बताते हुए बेसिक शिक्षा परिषद ने फ़ार्म भरने की आखिरी तारीख नहीं बढ़ाई, बीटीसी 2013 बैच के 15 हजार अभ्यर्थियों के आवेदन करने से बढ़ी संख्या

6448 भर्ती में 50 हजार से अधिक आवेदन, उम्मीदों को धता बताते हुए बेसिक शिक्षा परिषद ने फ़ार्म भरने की आखिरी तारीख नहीं बढ़ाई, बीटीसी 2013 बैच के 15 हजार अभ्यर्थियों के आवेदन करने से बढ़ी संख्या।
इलाहाबाद: बेसिक शिक्षा परिषद के प्राथमिक स्कूलों में सहायक अध्यापकों के 16448 पदों पर भर्ती के लिए सोमवार शाम तक 50 हजार से अधिक आवेदन किए गए हैं। भर्ती के लिए ऑनलाइन आवेदन सोमवार शाम पांच बजे तक मांगे गए थे। 30 जून से इस भर्ती के लिए परिषद की वेबसाइट खोली गई थी।

Monday, July 11, 2016

Vector Control Research Centre Recruitment – Project Technician, Data Entry Operator & Various Vacancy – Last Date 18, 19 July – Puducherry + 20

CBSE Class 12 Sample Papers 2017 Entrepreneurship

Entrepreneurship Sample paper for class 12 CBSE board 2017 examination has been uploaded to The sample question papers for the board examination will be conducted in March 2017. CBSE model papers for entrepreneurship is now available for free download in PDF  format as per the latest marking scheme and blue print provided by Central Board of Secondary Education, New Delhi for the session 2016-2017.

How to Score 90+ in Board Exams

Scoring 90% or above is easy. Anyone of us can do it with a little bit extra efforts. Don’t study, study and study; it is not enough. What you need to do is, study smartly with proper planning. Simply switch from hardworking to smart-working. Here is how you can do it:

उत्तर प्रदेश अधीनस्थ सेवा चयन आयोग - UPSSSC Recruitment

UPSSSC Job (उत्तर प्रदेश अधीनस्थ सेवा चयन आयोग) में नलकूल चालक - ट्यूबवेल ऑपरेटर (Nalkool Chalak - Tubewell Operator) पदों के लिए भर्ती
पदों की संख्या - 3210
शैक्षिक योग्यता - 10 वीं + आईटीआई
रजिस्ट्रेशन करने के लिए अंतिम तिथि - 27-07-2016
आवेदन फीस जमा करने के लिए अंतिम तिथि - 29-07-2016
आवेदन फॉर्म सबमिट करने के लिए अंतिम तिथि - 01-08-2016
आयु सीमा - 01-07-2016 के अनुसार 18-40 साल की उम्र के बीच
सैलरी - 5,200-20,200 /- रुपये एवं 1,900 /- रूपए ग्रेड पे
आवेदन फीस - 105 (General/OBC) / 65 (SC/ST) /- रुपये
See More Details - Click Here - Apply Online

# UPSSSC Job (उत्तर प्रदेश अधीनस्थ सेवा चयन आयोग) में उर्दू ट्रांसलेटर कम जूनियर असिस्टेंट (Urdu Translator cum Junior Assistant) पदों के लिए भर्ती

Top Universities in Uttar Pradesh New University Ranking by 2016 University Web Ranking

Rank      University                                                                                             Location
1              Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur                                                 Kanpur
2              Amity University                                                                                 Noida ...
3              Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology                                    Allahabad
4              Banaras Hindu University                                                                   Varanasi
5              Uttar Pradesh Technical University                                                     Lucknow
6              Aligarh Muslim University                                                                  Aligarh
7              Indian Institute of Information Technology Allahabad                          Allahabad

Uttar Pradesh Top 10 , 50 , 100 Ranking Engineering College Lists 2016-2017

Are you search the Good / Best Top list Ranking Engineering college in your state of Uttar Pradesh latest survey 2016-17 taken by private concern. After completion of the 12th class public annual examination 2016 students are searching out the Top Engineering College lists through online for the Admission of B.Tech, B.Arch and other UG courses. Here we are provide the Top listing Ranked Private and Government Engineering Institutions across the UP.

Top Engineering Colleges in Uttar Pradesh 2015

Careers360 has conducted its annual rating exercise to bring you a comprehensive list of Top Engineering Colleges in Uttar Pradesh 2015.

Private Job Alert-2

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Quantitative Aptitude Questions and Answers with Explanation

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Previous Papers

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Solved Question Papers Archive

1. ‘Food For Oil’ programme running in which of the following countries was in news recently ?
(A) Kuwait
(B) Iran
(C) Iraq
(D) Lebanon
(E) None of these

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UPTET SARKARI NAUKRI News - - बीटीसी-2013 के अभ्यर्थी बिगाड़ेंगे 16448 शिक्षक भर्ती का गणित रातों रात BTC 2013 बैच का परिणाम घोषित, भाग ले सकेंगे 16448 शिक्षक भर्ती में

बीटीसी-2013 के अभ्यर्थी बिगाड़ेंगे 16448 शिक्षक भर्ती का गणित
रातों रात BTC 2013 बैच का परिणाम घोषित, भाग ले सकेंगे 16448 शिक्षक भर्ती में

सामान्य वर्ग के लिए 400 रूपए फीस निर्धारित की गई है। एससी, एसटी और ओबीसी वर्ग को 100 रूपए फीस देनी होगी।

शासनादेश जारी होने की तिथि तक सहायक अध्यापक के लिए अर्हता रखने वाले अभ्यर्थी ही परिषदीय विद्यालयों के लिए घोषित होने वाले 16448 सहायक अध्यापकों के पद पर आवेदन करेंगे। प्रदेश के बेसिक शिक्षा सचिव की ओर से की गई इस घोषणा के साथ उन्हीं के विभाग से जुड़े सचिव परीक्षा नियामक कार्यालय के लोग हवा निकालने की कोशिश में लगे हैं। सचिव परीक्षा नियामक प्राधिकारी की ओर से 16448 शिक्षकों की भर्ती की अंतिम तिथि बीतने के एक दिन पहले बीटीसी-2013 बैच का रिजल्ट आनन-फानन में जारी करने की कोशिश पूरी प्रक्रिया पर ही सवालिया निशान लगा रहा है।

अम्मा कैंटीन सस्ते में भरपेट खाना--

अम्मा कैंटीन सस्ते में भरपेट खाना--
तमिलनाडु की मुख्यमंत्री जे जयललिता की "अम्मा कैंटीन" गरीबों और मध्य वर्गीय लोगों में काफी लोकप्रिय हो चुकी है.
"अम्मा कैंटीन" हर रोज़ हज़ारों लोगों को बेहद सस्ते में खाना खिलाती है.
चेन्नई के ऐसे ही एक कैंटीन का जायज़ा लिया बीबीसी संवाददाता गीता पांडे ने.

गर्मी की एक दोपहर मैं चेन्नई से बाहर पल्लावरम के 'अम्मा कैंटीन' में लंच करने के लिए लोगों के साथ कतार में खड़ी हो गई.
आज का मेनू है गर्म सांभर चावल और दही चावल. सांभर चावल पांच रुपये का है और दही चावल केवल तीन रुपये का.

रेल मंत्रालय ने टिकट बुक करने के लिए आधार कार्ड को किया अनिवार्य!

भारतीय रेल मंत्रालय ने रेल यात्रा के लिए टिकट बुक करने की प्रक्रिया के दौरान आधार कार्ड को अनिवार्य कर दिया है। रेल मंत्रालय के अनुसार, यात्री के टिकट के साथ आधार को लिंक करने की तैयारियां पूरी कर ली गयी हैं।

डिमोशन ने रोक दी तबादले की रफ्तार, मनचाहे जिले में तैनाती के साथ प्रमोशन भी चाहते है शिक्षक

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शिक्षामित्रों के समायोजन पर सुप्रीम कोर्ट में सुनवाई आज, दूरस्थ बीटीसी संघ की विशेष अनुमति याचिका पर होनी है सुनवाई

 इलाहाबाद(राज्य ब्यूरो)। प्रदेश के 26 हजार शिक्षामित्रों के समायोजन का मामला सुप्रीम कोर्ट पहुंच गया है। समायोजन के लिए बेसिक शिक्षा परिषद के प्रस्ताव पर न्याय विभाग की अनुमति न मिलने पर दूरस्थ बीटीसी शिक्षक संघ ने विशेष अनुमति याचिका (एसएलपी) दाखिल की थी। उस पर सोमवार को सुनवाई होनी है। सभी की निगाहें अब शीर्ष कोर्ट के निर्णय पर लगी हैं क्योंकि समायोजन का मामला अब न्यायालय के रुख पर ही तय होगा। प्राथमिक विद्यालयों में शिक्षामित्र वर्षों से कार्यरत हैं।


Private Jobs 2016

         List of latest Private Jobs 2016 (0 Vacancies Opening)
Last DateNo. of VacanciesCompanyJob ProfileQualificationMore Detail
15-Jul-2016-VERTEX Customer Solutions India Pvt LtdVERTEX Customer Solutions India Pvt LtdGraduation/ DiplomaFull
16-Jul-2016-Addnode India Pvt. Ltd. (Technia Transcat)Application DeveloperBE, B.Tech, MCAFull
21-Jul-2016-Statnetics DSoft Pvt LtdJunior Software EngineerBE, B.Tech, MCAFull
24-Jul-2016-Statnetics DSoft Pvt LtdJunior Software EngineerBE, B.Tech, MCAFull

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IIPS Recruitment- Research Officer Vacancy – Walk In Interview 19 July 2016 (Mumbai, Maharashtra) + 4

Impact of BREXIT on Business Studies and Entrepreneurship

Students must keep eye on the latest event of BREXIT. Why Britain separating itself from European Union and what will the impect of BREXIT on Indian market. Such questions will surely be asked in class-11 and 12 Business studies and Entrepreneurship.
  1. Impact of BREXIT on the Business Environment i.e.
    • Economic Environment
    • Social Environment
    • Political Environment
    • Legal Environment
    • Technological Environment
    • Ecological Environment
  2. How an Indian business firm working at international level can change the negative effect of BREXIT into business opportunity?
  3. What is the impact of BREXIT on the Indian Economy?
  4. What Financial Strategy Indian companies can form to avoid the negative effect of BREXIT.
  5. What steps Indian Government should take to avoid the impact of BREXIT?

Why Career as an LIC Agent-Self Employed

  • LIC agent is the person who provides advice on Life Insurance Planning to people to protect their family from unexpected events of death, disability and retirement of the bread winner.It is a noble profession indeed.
  • LIC agent also contributes to economic development of the country. As the money collected towards life insurance premium goes towards Nation Building Activities e.g: Roads, Railways, Ports, Bridges, Water supply, Electricity, Housing etc.
  • Top LIC agents earn between 3 crores to 4 crores per annum.
  • The average gross income of top 20% of LIC agents is above 12 lakhs per annum.
You will be trained in such a way that you will be among top 20% of agents within 3 years’ time, the only pre-requisites are Passion and Hard work.



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Government Jobs, Private Jobs, Recruitment, Result, Appointment , Admission, Schools, Colleges, Coaching Institutes, Model Papers, Self Employed Tips, Uptet News, Ctet News, Jee-Bed News, Btc News, Ntt News, Ugc-Net News, Upsessb News, Upmsp News, Ssc News, Banking Job News, Railways Job News, Up Polytechnic News, Up Basic Shiksha Parishad News, Up Board News, Cbse News, Cisce News