Students must keep eye on the latest event of BREXIT. Why Britain
separating itself from European Union and what will the impect of BREXIT
on Indian market. Such questions will surely be asked in class-11 and
12 Business studies and Entrepreneurship.
- Impact of BREXIT on the Business Environment i.e.
- Economic Environment
- Social Environment
- Political Environment
- Legal Environment
- Technological Environment
- Ecological Environment
- How an Indian business firm working at international level can change the negative effect of BREXIT into business opportunity?
- What is the impact of BREXIT on the Indian Economy?
- What Financial Strategy Indian companies can form to avoid the negative effect of BREXIT.
- What steps Indian Government should take to avoid the impact of BREXIT?
Here is some basic information about BREXIT.
Brexit: why Britain left the EU
voted to leave the European Union, a decision that surprised many and
one whose consequences still aren’t totally clear. We don’t know quite
yet what this will mean for the future of Britain’s economy, its
policies, and its relations with other European countries.
There have been many twists and turns in British politics that have
led to this particular moment. But you don’t necessarily need to have
followed those to understand why the British want to leave the European
Union, and why the EU matters in the first place.
That’s what this cartoon is all about: how the EU came to be, and how
Britain came to decide not to be part of it. And this will help make
sense of the biggest, looming question: What happens next?
Why does the European Union exist, anyway?
Europe is a collection of countries that used to fight a lot. For
example, in World War II countries within Europe fought against one
another, and it greatly hurt the continent.
So after WWII, many countries felt it was important to integrate
European countries — starting with the coal and steel industries and
then expanding to a broader set of trade issues.
Countries often make rules about things coming into their countries.
For example, if you wanted to make a car in France and ship it to
Britain, you would have to pay a tariff to Britain to do so.
Or let’s say you’re French and you wanted to live and work in
Britain. You would have to go through a long immigration process to
legally do so.
Western Europe has dozens of countries, each with its own trade,
immigration, and economic policies. Trying to navigate these rules was
very inefficient. The European Union essentially started from a
question: What if each country had the same rules? What if all the
barriers came down?
And that’s what the EU did.
Almost every Western European country joined the group to merge their
economic rules in 1993. They did this by allowing people, goods,
services, and capital to move freely between member countries. It’s kind
of like how states in the US work.
The EU has helped foster long periods of economic prosperity, and it’s helped keep the region at peace.
There are challenges to cooperation. When something bad happens, it affects everyone.
The appealing part of the EU was that it made it easier for European
countries to share in one another’s prosperity. But, as with any union,
cooperation means weathering downturns together — and that hasn’t always
been so easy.
Take, for example, the 2008 financial crisis. Many economists agree
that the European Central Bank failed to respond effectively, leading to
a recession that was much more severe than it needed to be.
Unemployment rose, and tax revenue fell. Banks needed bailouts, and debt
in a number of EU countries soared.
Seeing the EU in such crisis made some have second thoughts about
being yoked to it — and increased worry among wealthy countries (like
the UK) that they might have to help bail out less wealthy countries
down the line.
And some Brits didn’t like that many foreigners were moving to Britain after the EU was formed
The new European Union made it much easier for citizens of one
country to migrate to another. And Britain’s foreign-born population
skyrocketed after it joined.
Experts see two main forces driving this trend:
- The EU expanded to include post-communist countries in the mid-2000s, and people in those countries were poorer. Many of their citizens immigrated to wealthier countries — like the United Kingdom.
- The 2008 market crash hit some European countries especially hard. When people from those countries couldn’t find a job at home, their citizens went to find jobs in other countries — like the United Kingdom.
As my colleague Zack Beauchamp writes, “The British labor market was
relatively easy to break into, and lots of people across Europe speak
English, so it was a natural target for these Southern Europeans.”
Tensions over immigration have risen significantly in Britain in recent years
Twenty years ago, barely anyone thought immigration or race relations was one of the country’s most important issues.
Times have changed.
In a survey conducted last year, 45 percent of Brits identified “immigration/race relations” as a top issue facing the country.
Seventy-seven percent of Brits today believe that immigration levels into the country should be reduced.
Last year, British Prime Minister David Cameron announced a referendum on whether Britain should remain in the European Union.
That’s Brexit, the vote that happened yesterday.
And by a slim margin, the British voted to leave the European Union.
This is causing a lot of chaos in Britain; nobody fully knows what will happen next.
Cameron announced his resignation because he was against leaving the
EU, and he believes the country should have a leader who wants to take
Britain in the direction voters have chosen. The vote doesn’t
necessarily bind Britain to leaving the EU, but it likely will, because
defying the will of the people would be politically bad.
Untangling from the EU would be a long, painful process
The UK and the EU have two years to figure out the terms of the exit —
what rules would still apply to Britain and what privileges Britain
would still get.
If there isn’t some kind of deal that softens the blow — that lets
Britain continue to take advantage of at least some of the European
Union cooperations the country previously enjoyed — it’ll be ugly.
Economist Jacob Funk Kirkegaard told my colleague Timothy B. Lee that
right now UK carmakers can pretty safely assume they can sell their
cars in any EU country, because everyone has the same standards. But if
there is no agreement, selling that car across the EU could become a lot
more complicated.
And this wouldn’t be just about cars — pharmaceutical products,
technology, food, or anything else Britain produces could lose its easy
entry into other European countries.
It will be tougher for people to move across borders
About 1.2 million Brits currently live in other EU countries. Right
now they are able work in these other countries without much hassle.
That would change.
There is a possible scenario in which Britain gets to keep its economic agreements in place
One idea is for the British to make a deal with the EU that lets them
keep their economic privileges, kind of like Norway. But as my
colleagues point out, the EU might not be in a forgiving mood, given
that Britain just voted to leave. And this agreement still wouldn’t help
the British get out from EU regulation.
What are the greater implications?
The EU made trade with Europe much easier for the US, and it also
made it easier to ask Europe for geopolitical help. Instead of talking
to dozens of different countries, American officials could go to the EU
and negotiate with a large chunk of the continent.
Now Britain may not be part of that discussion.
Britain’s departure could have ripple effects throughout Europe, too.
“Poor economic performance and inconsistent handling of the migration
crisis have driven majorities in many countries — including France and
Spain — to say they’d like a UK-style chance to vote on quitting the
EU,” my colleague Matt Yglesias wrote earlier today.
Britain’s vote is a big deal. But it could be the start of something
bigger, too. This might be the first of many political expressions of
discontent among EU countries, potentially causing the disintegration of
Brexit: Bad For Britain, But Potentially Good For India
Great Britain will have a referendum on Thursday on whether to remain
part of the European Union or leave it. Britain has had a troubled
relationship with the EU since the beginning and has made various
attempts to break away from it.
Britain’s latest campaign to leave the EU is the biggest yet and it
has garnered enough momentum to have a referendum. The Leave Campaign
argues that Britain is losing out a big deal by staying in the EU: it
has to pay millions of pounds each week as a contribution to the
European budget; the extremely bureaucratic nature of the European
parliament is hurting British exporters; and finally, that unmitigated
migration from the European Union into Britain is creating an imbalance
in the welfare schemes of the UK government.
However, as numerous experts have pointed out, none of this truly
holds water. Britain gains much more from the EU than it pays as
contributions; despite the bureaucratic hurdles, British companies have
unfettered access to the entire European Union; and finally, Britain
would not be able to shut its doors to immigrants even if it exits the
EU because to trade with the bloc, it would need to accept some share of
outsiders within its borders.
Despite being a ludicrous proposition, countries across the world
must address the contingency of a Brexit. If it does happen, it will
have wide-ranging repercussions on every country that is remotely
connected with the global financial market. Here are five ways in which
India will be affected:
1. The uncertainty following Brexit: The biggest
drawback of the Leave Campaign is that they have not mapped out the
future course of action if Brexit indeed happens. There is no sound plan
regarding Britain’s future relationship with the EU or any other
specific country within the EU. Will they continue to have access to the
European markets? Will trade barriers increase if they leave? Are there
any agreements with the Union regarding the movement of goods, capital
and labour? These are the important questions that are left unanswered
by those advocating for Britain to leave the EU. And it is precisely the
uncertainty over these questions that are spooking financial markets
across the world.
If Brexit does happen, global financial market volatility can be
readily expected. Markets across the world will tank. The pound will
depreciate against most major economies. India cannot remain immune to
this. Sensex and Nifty will tumble in the short-run.
2. Investment: India is presently the second biggest
source of FDI (Foreign Direct Investment) for Great Britain. One of the
main reasons for this is the historic and cultural ties with the UK
that India shares along with the fact that the UK proved to be a gateway
into the rest of Europe. Indian companies that would set up their
factories in the UK could sell their products to the rest of Europe
under the European free market system. However, if Britain exits the EU,
it will not be as attractive a destination for Indian FDI as before.
Having said that, Britain would not want to lose out on capital coming
in from India. Thus, one can expect Britain to try extra hard to woo
Indian companies to invest there by providing much bigger incentives in
terms of tax breaks, lesser regulation and other financial incentives.
Further, if Britain is leaving the EU due to the latter’s complex
bureaucratic regulatory structure, Indian companies can expect a
deregulated and freer market in Britain.
3. Another EU partner: As aforementioned, if Britain
exits the EU, India will lose its gateway to Europe. This might force
India to forge ties with another country within the EU, which would be a
good result in the long run. India is already trying to build trade
negotiations with Netherlands, France, Germany, and others, albeit in a
small way. Netherlands is India’s top FDI destination as of now. A
Brexit could force India to build trading partnership with other EU
nations in order to access the large EU market.
4. The Commonwealth: With Britain cutting off ties
with the EU, it will be desperate to find new trading partners and a
source of capital and labour. There have already been many proponents of
the Leave Campaign that suggest that the UK should look towards the
Commonwealth to forge new alliances. Britain will still need a steady
inflow of talented labour, and India fits the bill perfectly due to its
English-speaking population. With migration from mainland Europe drying
up, Britain would be able to accommodate migration from other countries,
which will suit India’s interests.
Further, Britain is one of the most important destinations for
Indians who want to study abroad. Presently, British universities are
forced to offer subsidized rates for citizens of the UK and EU. With
Brexit, however, the universities will no longer be obliged to provide
scholarships to EU citizens, which will free up funds for students from
other countries. Many more Indian students may be able to get
scholarships for studying in the UK.
5. Ties with European Union: With or without a
Brexit, it would be in Europe’s interest to develop India as a strong
trade and strategic partner. Brexit would surely accelerate this
process. Europe needs to counterbalance United States and China
geopolitically and would also need to hedge against a slowing China for
its economic interests. For this, Europe would be looking at the
fastest-growing major economy in the world and would need to quickly
resolve the pending trade issues with India in order to develop a
lasting relationship.
Thus, even though Britain stands to suffer from leaving the European
Union in terms of reduced trade and a sustained drop in its GDP, the net
effect can turn out to be positive for India
Students must keep eye on the latest event of BREXIT. Where Britain
separating itself from European Union. There are few questions which may
be part of the coming examination.
Brexit impact on India: Uncertainty in IT, rupee seen at 70, softer oil prices
The decision by the UK leaving the European Union has impact on India
on multiple layers. However, economists and experts are of the opinion
that the country need not be overly worried about the development as the
transition is going to be slow and also more details are to be
Here’s a decoder by various experts on the issue:
Investment plans may be delayed:
Aditi Nayar, senior economist of rating agency ICRA, said post the
Brexit, uncertainty may weigh upon the performance of merchandise and
services exports and delay the concretisation of investment plans,
partly moderating the expected benefit of the recent FDI reforms.
“The extent of disorderliness in global markets and risk aversion as
well as political developments in the European Union would determine the
level of contagion in the Indian financial markets as well as the
impact on Indian economic growth, although domestic consumption would
largely cushion the latter. On balance, there are modest downside risks
to our forecast of an improvement in growth of India’s GVA at basic
prices to 7.7% in FY2017,” she said.
Rana Kapoor, MD and CEO, YES Bank, expects some some adverse
spillover on India in the very near term through financial linkages with
rest of the world.
“However, I expect the dust to settle down soon as our policymakers
have enough ammunition to ward off unwarranted volatility. Despite
regular bouts of economic, financial, and political crises globally over
the last two years, India has proved its economic mettle by boosting
structural and institutional factors of growth while adequately ring
fencing its vulnerabilities,” he said.
Sunil Kumar Sinha, principal economist, India Ratings & Research,
said the event will have both positive and negative impact for India.
“As Brexit will vitiate the already uneven and fragile global recovery,
it will exert downward pressure on global commodity prices and India
will benefit being a net commodity importer,” he pointed out.
File photo of a group of Brexit supporterrs. Reuters
However, he sees a number of Indian corporates having exposure to
Europe/UK either through trade or in case their production units are
located there getting adversely impacted.
Though India is a largely domestic-driven economy, it is no longer
immune to global events as was the case in the past. Anis Chakravarty,
lead economist and partner, Deloitte in India, does not see a
significant impact on the India-UK bilateral immediately as it has been
more or less stable in the last five years.
UK serves as a very important trade partner and also serves as the
gateway to EU. In the 2016 financial year, India-UK bilateral trade was
worth 14.02billion.Indiaexportedgoodsandservicesworth
8.83 billion while imports from the UK were at $5.19 billion.
Uncertainty for the IT sector:
According to the IT lobby group Nasscom, as much as 30 percent of the
industry’s $100 billion revenue comes from the European market, which
is the second largest for the India’s IT-BPM sector.
Its initial analysis said in the near term a likely decline in the
value of the British pound could render many existing contracts losing
propositions unless they are renegotiated. “The uncertainty surrounding
protracted negotiations on the terms of exit and/or future engagement
with EU could impact decision making for large projects,” it said
However, Sanjoy Sen, doctoral research scholar, Aston Business
School, in the UK, does not see the negative impact on the IT sector to
more than 1-2 years by which time alternative trade arrangements between
the UK and other European countries will be put in place.
Bad for automobile sector:
Subrata Ray, senior vice-president, co-head, corporate sector
ratings, ICRA, said the EU today accounts for 35-40% of auto component
exports from India. He sees this getting potentially impacted by market
volatility and by any slowdown in the region due to policy uncertainty.
“Apart from Auto components, OEMs (original equipment manufacturers)
also export passenger vehicles from their Indian manufacturing units,
which may get impacted in the event of any slowdown. Further, relative
depreciation of GBP (pound) and euro may impact their margins as well,”
he said.
According to a Reuters report, the British pound fell as much as 10
percent against the US dollar on Friday to levels last seen in 1985 on
fears the decision could hit investment in the world’s fifth-largest
economy, threaten London’s role as a global financial capital, and usher
in months of political uncertainty. The euro slid 2.0 percent against
the US dollar. The pound’s decline was the worst in the history.
“The overall ‘Brexit’ process however is expected to be slow – the
formal process should take about two-years. While potentially
manufacturing based in UK can face EU import tariffs in the future, the
final outcome would depend on how the existing trade & regulatory
arrangements are negotiated,” Ray of ICRA said.
Oil price may fall but stronger dollar will offset:
Kalpana Jain, Partner, Deloitte in India noted that in response to
referendum, oil prices immediately declined by 5%. Terming this as an
economic thumbs down to the referendum result, Jain said it is expected
to be a shortlived phenomenon as core oil fundamentals remain unchanged.
“Oil prices have been range bound in the last 3 weeks above $45/bbl
and a stronger demand and supply outlook has elevated prices in the last
one month or so on the back of supply disruptions helping to curb
inventory build-up in the US. The uncertainty surrounding the British
and European economies have depressed the pound and the euro and Brexit
verdict has strengthened the US dollar which in turn suppresses crude
prices which are traded in dollar making it more expensive in other
currencies,” she said.
According to her, the shift from an oversupplied to a balanced market
– which is presently underway – may overcome the impact of slightly
weaker demand due to currency effects. “Given our large import basket,
for India lower crude prices help but stronger dollar offsets those
gains,” she said.Ravichandran, senior vice-president and co-head,
financial sector ratings, ICRA, concurs with Jain’s views but feels the
net impact for the Indian refining and marketing (R&M) industry will
be positive.
“Overall impact should be positive for PSU upstream companies as well, so long as oil prices are within 40/bbl−
bbl, as the recent oil price rally was resulting in higher cess
incidence. GoI also stands to gain through lower subsidy burden on LPG
and SKO,” he said.
Rupee may hit 70 vs dollar:
Nayar of ICRA said the high foreign exchange reserves in historical
terms (at $363.82 billion as of June 17) will moderate short-term
external debt even after accounting for the upcoming FCNR(B) redemption.
Moreover, a narrow current account deficit is expected to limit the
vulnerability of India’s external account.
“If the fall in crude oil prices sustains, it would offset the impact
of lower exports on the current account deficit as well as the effect
of the depreciation of the INR relative to the USD on inflation. We
expect the INR to remain in the range of Rs. 67.5-70.0/US$ over the
course of FY2017,” she said.
Dhananjay Sinha, head of institutional research at Emkay Global
Financial Services, also sees the rupee moving in the 68-70 range.
“With every 100bps change in currency the impact on CPI is 17-20bps and on WPI is expected to increase by 22-25bps,” he said.
In the current juncture, with rising concerns on diminishing
structural support to external flows, the volatility of the external
financial conditions would create a further pressure on the forex
“In the near term, this development could increase the probability of
higher outflow from the upcoming FCNRB redemptions during Sep-Nov’
2016, thereby adding to the expected liquidity deficit,” he said.
Article Submitted by: Dr. Vinod Kumar, Author Ultimate Book of Accountancy.
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